👧🏻 Jarpex’s Social networks

Hel­lo the­re! ❤️ My na­me is Asya, I’m 23 y.o. 👩🏻‍💻 com­pu­ter sci­en­ce spe­ci­a­list from Rus­sia. Check out about me here. Also do not for­get to check out my pro­jects 😊.

This page was cre­a­ted to col­lect all my so­ci­al net­works pro­fi­les in one pla­ce.

📰 My blog

This is my blog. No­thing spe­ci­al.

📺 My You­Tube chan­nel

This chan­nel is all about IT, Cy­ber­se­cu­ri­ty, and Ja­pan (also tech, gad­gets, and e­ve­ry­thing else 🌚). I’m a You­Tube god­dess. Like, subs­cribe, and do not for­get to ding the bell icon. 🙃

📷 My Ins­ta­gram page

Just a my photo col­lec­tion.

📱 My VK com­mu­ni­ty

My VK com­mu­ni­ty. Subs­cribe to not miss new con­tent with me 😊.

👩🏻‍💻 My Git­Hub page

Some of my repos.

🎮 My Steam

If you want to play with me you can find my steam ac­count here.

🌈 Only One account

My account on open source social network.